Health News
Turmeric tablet is as effective as paracetamol or ibuprofen, says study
Indian man's 'head on top of another head' is actually the world's largest brain tumor weighing 1.8 kg
Surgical sponges found in woman's abdomen 6 years after operation, but doctor washes hands of the matter
Intestine Chip set to make future medical treatments painless and affordable
Doctors slam Emirates airline after flight crew kick out a British woman who complained of period pains
Google retinal scans can predict risk of heart attack
Is having sex and orgasms during pregnancy safe?
Google's breakthrough AI technique can predict heart attack risk by just scanning your eyes
Wonder 'Graphair' filter can make drinking water from sea quickly and efficiently
17-month-old 'crystal child' from UK has multiple broken bones but his smile will win your heart [Photos]
FDA warns pet-owners of canned food with lethal drug: Were you buying these brands?
What is piggyback transplant? Medical procedure leaves an Indian man with two beating hearts
Buy fish, get worm free! Living insect greets US woman inside cod she bought from Costco [Video]
Doctors tasted patients' urine, used zodiac signs for diagnosis and treatment, reveals 15th-century book