The biggest data breaches of 2018 so far
Selling memory card just deleting your intimate photos? No, data may still be retrievable
Are you a Bitcoin owner? Old ransomware now acts like a coinminer, sneaks into funds
Over 50% smartphones are not password protected, says Kaspersky
Is Google reading your emails? Search giant explains how it uses your messages amid Gmail controversy
Intrusive bug attacks Samsung Galaxy phones by sending user's personal photos to contacts
LTE exploit can snoop into users' browsing activity, redirect them to malicious sites
Facebook had data-sharing partnership with 52 firms, including Alibaba, Huawei, Amazon, Apple
RAMpage vulnerability attacks Android smartphones that were released since 2012
Coin miner malware samples grew to 2.9 mn in Q1: McAfee
Mozilla Firefox to roll out new security tool that you can't find in Google Chrome
What is WPA3? Biggest security upgrade in Wi-Fi in over a decade
Careless employees blamed for most data breaches: Study
Cisco finds 24 vulnerabilities in switches, firewalls, security appliances [Full List]