
India-Italy Row: EU Warns New Delhi; Has India Violated International Law?

The European Union (EU) has finally intervened in the India-Italy diplomatic row, criticising New Delhi for not allowing Italian ambassador Daniele Mancini from leaving the country in connection with the refusal of his government to send back its two marines accused of murdering Indian fishermen. Mar 20, 2013

India-Italy Relations: Marines' Trial Begins at Home

Even as the diplomatic row between New Delhi and Rome continues, an Italian military prosecutor on Wednesday questioned the two marines who refused to return to India to stand trial for the murder of two Indian fishermen last year. Mar 21, 2013

Parliament Passes Anti-Rape Bill

The new anti-rape bill calls for death penalty in a case which leads to the victim's death or which leaves the victim in a vegetative state and also for the repeat offenders. Mar 22, 2013

Justice Katju Asks Maharashtra Governor to Pardon Sanjay Dutt [FULL TEXT]

Press Council of India chief Justice Markandey Katju in a letter to Governor of Maharashtra has appealed to pardon the actor Sanjay Dutt, who was sentenced for five years of jail on Thursday by Supreme Court for illegal possession of a pistol and a rifle during the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts. Mar 22, 2013

Sanjay Dutt Jail Sentence: Do Munnabhai Deserve A Less Severe Punishment?

Is everyone - millionaires to paupers and laymen to celebrities - equal before the law? If yes, why people question the verdict of the Supreme Court (SC) on actor Sanjay Dutt in connection with the 1993 Mumbai blasts case? Should celebrities be treated like any other Indian citizens in court? Mar 23, 2013