The live-action adaptation of "Your Lie In April," manga series, known in Japan as "Shigatsu wa Kimi," has cast the protagonist of the series, KÅsei Arima, which will be played by actor Kento Yamazaki, who has previously played roles in other live-action manga adaptations like "Orange" and "Death Note."
According to Anime News Network, besides Yamazaki, Suzu Hirose will play the character of violinist Kaori Miyazono. The movie is scheduled to release in the second half of 2016, though there hasn't been any official confirmation yet.
The anime's story follows the errands of two junior school students -- KÅsei and Kaori. However, in the movie adaptation, the duo will be high school students.
As both Yamazaki and Hirose will be playing as musicians, they started practising piano and violin six months before the filming started.
Anna Ishii, member of pop group "E-girls," will be playing KÅsei's childhood friend Tsubaki Sawabe while Taishi Nakagawa will play RyÅta Watari.
Takehiko ShinjÅ, who is known for directing action-romantic movies like "Boku no Hatsukoi wo Kimi ni Sasagu" and "Kiyoku Yawaku," will direct the movie based on a script by "Strawberry Night" scriptwriter Yukari Tatsui.
The manga has already been adapted in anime series that premiered in 2014. It was streamed by Aniplex Channel in America along with Hulu and Crunchyroll. The show runners have also released the series with English dub.
The original story tells the tale of KÅsei Arima, a former child prodigy who lost his ability to play the piano after the death of his mother. His daily life is dull and sad, however, things changed when he meets a female violinist, Kaori Miyazono, by chance.
Miyazono is a fourteen-year-old audacious, free-spirited violinist whose playing style reflects her manic personality. She helps KÅsei return to the music world and shows that it should be free and mold breaking unlike the structured and rigid style KÅsei was used to.