The Computer History Museum which is situated in California has now planned to release Apple's legendary and historical Lisa operating system. The OS will be for free as an open source this year, according to a report.

California-based History Museum has announced that the source code of the Apple's Lisa computer which predates the Mac, has been recovered and it's being reviewed by Apple itself, 9to5Mac reported.

According to CIO Today, Apple Lisa is a desktop developed by Apple and released on January 19, 1983. It was one of the first personal computers to offer a graphical user interface in a machine aimed at individual business users.

Apple logo. (Reuters)

Lisa was the first personal computers by Apple to feature support for a mouse but ultimately only sold 10,000 units.

Al Kossow, a software curator at the museum said, "Just wanted to let everyone know the sources to the OS and applications were recovered, I converted them to Unix end of line conventions and spaces for Pascal tabs after recovering the files using Disk Image Chef, and they are with Apple for review."

The source for both the operating system and applications has been recovered by the company, he added. And once that code will be finished being reviewed by the Apple developers, the museum will make the code available to everyone later this year and it will be free, Kossow said.

Only 10,000 units of Lisa were sold and despite being a flop, the operating system holds a major role in the history of Apple.