A list of voice commands have been revealed for Microsoft Xbox One console right before its release scheduled for 22 November, 2013.
The Xbox One Kinect can understand only a particular set of voice commands to work smoothly. The console is said to support voice commands for 5 countries at launch, which includes US, UK, Canada, France and Germany, reports CVG.
Following are the list of voice commands for Xbox One Kinect:
System Commands
Xbox On - Wakes up Xbox One, turns on television and cable/satellite set-top box.
Xbox Turn Off - Puts Xbox One to sleep/off, can turn off television and cable/satellite set-top box.
Xbox - Shows menu of global voice command options and begins listening for the next command.
Xbox Select - Shows voice command options for everything on the screen that are supported. Shows channel shortcuts during full screen TV viewing.
Stop Listening - Stops Kinect from listening or cancels voice commands if Kinect is triggered during casual conversations.
Xbox Help - Shows help menu with available options.
Xbox use a code - Triggers Kinect code scanning QR codes
Xbox show notification - Shows on-screen notifications
Xbox sign in/out - Sign in/out an Xbox Live member
Xbox record that - records the previous 30 seconds of gameplay
Xbox start a party - Launches the Party app in Snap mode
Xbox volume up/down
Xbox mute/unmute - Controls volume of TV set
Navigation and Multitasking
Xbox go home
Xbox show my stuff - Returns to Home
Xbox go to (activity) - Launches specific games, tv shows, apps, notifications and sections of the dash
Xbox show menu - In full screen: shows menu for whatever is on the screen. At home: shows menu for whatever is in current window.
Xbox go back - Returns to previous screen or menu option
Xbox Snap (app) - Launches activity in snap mode
Xbox Unsnap - Unsnaps activity in Snap mode
Xbox Switch - Switches control of the activities in Snap mode and Fill mode
Xbox Skype (person)
Xbox Call (person) - Launches Skype call, must be a person from the user's Skype favourites list ion the Xbox console.
Xbox answer/answer without video - Answers incoming Skype call
Xbox hang up - Ends Skype call
Xbox send a message - Sends message to your Xbox Live Friends
Xbox watch tv - Launches cable or satellite TV from set-top box
Xbox watch (channel) - Changes cable or satellite tv to specific channel shortcuts are showing
Xbox show guide
Xbox One guide - Launches OneGuide for cable or satellite TV subscribers
Transport Controls
Xbox Play/stop/pause/fast forward/rewind/faster/slower/skip forward/skip backward/next song/previous song - Transport controls for the media playback, play and pause also work for gameplay
Xbox Play (music/video) - Launches video and music playback
Bing and Internet Explorer
Browse to (website) - Browses to the specific website when in Internet explorer
Xbox Bing (Name) - Launches Bing and searches for the specific item(s)
Some of the gesture commands for Kinect which includes Go full screen, return home, zoom in and zoom out, making a selection and grip and hold, can be also seen here.