WWE superstar John Cena is on a promotional spree to gather traction for his upcoming movie Bumblebee. Cena, who has missed the ring, owing to his Hollywood connections spoke on a number of issues around his possible return and about Roman Reigns and his battle against leukaemia.

Cena said that he was taken aback by the announcement and immediately texted him assuring that he will be taken care of since he is in good hands. Also, Cena believes that any wrestler should always prioritise his health.

"I did, I texted him the day of the announcement just letting him know that he is in really good hands. He is part of a very exclusive fraternity. We all love him for what he's done. We all respect the fact that he is taking care of his health which is first and foremost. I told him if he needs anything he knows where to find me," Cena told Chris Van Vliet in an interview.

Spoke highly of Joe

Roman Reigns
File photo of Roman Reigns.Lukas Schulze/Bongarts/Getty Images

"I know Joe. I know Joe's a tough SOB. I don't ever expect: 'Hey man, I need this.' I don't ever expect to get that text, but if I do I think we have a mutual understanding that he knows it's as good as done," he further added.

As far as the return of Roman Reigns to WWE is concerned, there have been no updates about the same. However, there are a number of SmackDown events lined up which could possibly see the comeback of John Cena to the universe.

Speaking about his career, both in WWE and Hollywood, Cena said that he owed a lot to Dwayne Johnson.

"He's always been genuine, he's always shot straight - and that's on TV and off TV. We have a very good rapport with each other and I've told this to him, that I'm sorry, and I can tell it to you. I spoke out of ignorance, I was wrong, and I'm sorry," Cena said.