On the 32nd World Mental Health Day, renowned spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of The Art of Living Foundation, offered a profound message on achieving success without stress while addressing the growing global mental health crisis. Through practical strategies, teachings on depression, and insights into managing suicidal thoughts, he emphasized the importance of mental well-being alongside ambition, urging people to find balance through breathwork, meditation, and service to others.

Success, according to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, is not just about external accomplishments but maintaining inner peace, a stable mind, and confidence in the face of challenges. He shared several principles for managing stress, enhancing creativity, and broadening one's perspective on success.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar meditates amidst vedic chanting and bhajans
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi ShankarAoL

Stress, he explained, is a result of "too much to do, too little time, and no energy." While a little stress may motivate people to achieve more, it should not dominate their lives. Reflecting on past hardships can give people the strength to face current challenges, reminding them that difficulties are temporary. "This too shall pass," he advised, reinforcing that perseverance builds resilience.

Ravi Shankar also touched on the fear of failure, encouraging individuals to see obstacles as part of the journey toward their dreams. He suggested balancing the logical side of the brain, often dominant in professional settings, with creative activities like music, painting, or poetry. This balance, he said, improves clarity and productivity, reducing stress.

Broadening one's perspective is another crucial aspect of success. Life, he explained, is more significant than individual successes or failures. By embracing a broader view, people can remain grounded and resilient, unaffected by temporary setbacks.

Letting go of jealousy and redefining success

Jealousy, Ravi Shankar noted, is fueled by a limited view of life. "Everything in this life is temporary," he said, explaining that by recognizing the impermanence of life, people can let go of jealousy, hatred, and anger. He urged individuals to see their success not as a boundary but as an opportunity to realize their full potential, cautioning against the pride that comes with success and the guilt that follows failure.

Collaboration and team spirit were also key themes in his message. By embracing diversity and being inclusive, individuals can reduce stress and enhance their ability to achieve goals through teamwork.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Ravi Shankar also highlighted the importance of balancing ambition with dispassion. He encouraged people to work with passion but to let go of attachment to outcomes once the work is done. Finding this balance, he said, allows individuals to work effectively without being consumed by stress or anxiety.

Finally, he emphasized the need for daily meditation to maintain peace of mind while pursuing ambitions. "It is peace of mind that gives you the confidence to pursue your ambition," he stated, underscoring the importance of rest and reflection in achieving long-term success.

On depression and suicide

Alongside his teachings on success, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar tackled one of the most pressing issues of our time: the global rise in depression and suicide. He shared insights on overcoming these challenges, particularly through breathwork, meditation, and service to others.

Ravi Shankar stressed the preciousness of life, urging people to recognize their self-worth and purpose. "Your life is so precious. Don't lose it because of someone else's doing," he said, highlighting that many people who contemplate suicide feel powerless or insignificant. Recognizing one's intrinsic value, he explained, is key to overcoming these feelings of despair.

One of the most powerful tools for managing depression, according to Ravi Shankar, is the Sudarshan Kriya, a rhythmic breathing technique developed through The Art of Living programs. This technique helps to detoxify the body, release stress, and balance emotions. By controlling the breath, individuals can calm their minds and regain control over their mental state, offering an immediate way to alleviate anxiety and emotional turmoil.

He also underscored the importance of seva (service), suggesting that helping others can shift focus away from personal suffering and bring a sense of purpose. "Know that you are here to help out many people," he said, encouraging individuals to stay engaged in meaningful activities to keep depression and suicidal thoughts at bay.

Physical activity, Ravi Shankar emphasized, is another essential element in overcoming depression. Exercise improves both physical and mental health, promoting better circulation and reducing negative emotions. Engaging the mind with knowledge, music, and positive activities, he explained, can also prevent the mind from dwelling on negative thoughts.

Power of breath, service, and amile

A significant portion of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's message focused on the connection between mental state and breathing. He pointed out that breath becomes shallow during moments of anxiety, but rhythmic breathing can restore calm. By regularly practicing meditation and breathwork, people can clear past emotional scars and face challenges with renewed strength.

Ravi Shankar also spoke on the illusion of worry. He referenced studies showing that most worries never manifest and urged individuals to recognize how the mind creates unnecessary anxiety. By adopting a broader perspective, one can learn to manage life's challenges more calmly.

In a lighthearted yet profound way, Ravi Shankar reminded everyone to smile. "Everything you need for happiness is already within you," he said, encouraging people to adopt a mindset of gratitude and joy.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

With alarming statistics showing that every 45 seconds, one person takes their own life, Ravi Shankar called for collective action to address this global crisis. He urged people to be vigilant, to reach out to those who seem depressed, and to provide support through conversation and connection.

His teachings offer a holistic, practical approach to mental health, blending ancient wisdom with modern insights. Through meditation, breathwork, and service, he reminded everyone that they have the power to overcome mental challenges and lead lives filled with joy, purpose, and peace.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's message on World Mental Health Day was clear: success is not just about external achievements but about maintaining inner balance and recognizing the preciousness of life. Through these practices, individuals can rise above stress, depression, and suicidal thoughts to find lasting fulfillment and happiness.