
World Breastfeeding Week would be observed globally from Aug. 1 to Aug. 7 by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to achieve the aim of breastfeeding by mothers for their babies for at least first six months. The mothers are  encouraged to breastfeed their children for the healthy growth and development of the child.

But did you know breastfeeding is not only beneficial for kids but also to mothers? 

Besides giving them emotional and maternal fulfilment, breastfeeding alleviates the risk of many lethal diseases such as cancers in women. 

Here are some benefits of breastfeeding for the mothers:

  • Two essential hormones which are released in the bodies of mothers while they are breastfeeding are prolactin and oxytocin. These hormones are known to augment the physical and emotional connect between the mother and her child. They also give a relaxation feeling to the mothers. In addition, oxytocin hormone in particular helps uterus to return to its normal size after the child birth.
  • Researches suggest that breastfeeding mothers or those who have breastfed have reduced incidences of ovarian and breast cancer.
  • A few studies have shown that breastfeeding also reduces the risk of chronic illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, high cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases among women.
  • Exclusive breastfeeding delays the return of the mother's menstrual period, which can help extend the time between pregnancies.
