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Lakshmi Manchu, an actress of note, has recently made her voice heard by speaking against the presence of too many people on Indian film sets. In her interview with the Indian Express, the actress compared how Hollywood and the cinema are different about filmmaking staff.

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Lakshmi Manchu on the Stars' Entourage, feels frustrated seeing the huge crowd of unrelated onlookers present at Indian film shootings. She pointed out that this issue is especially significant in India which perhaps has more complicated setups than in any other country's cinemas. "In Hollywood, actors pull their chairs and there's just one makeup and hair person for the main cast," Manchu explained.

"But in India, there are way too many people on set. Kyu chaahiye itney log? (What's the need to have so many people?)" Besides a make-up artist, a hairstylist and spot boy also appointed an assistant making it difficult for them to work independently. What is going on?" she questioned.

Lakshmi Manchu

Cultural Differences Between Bollywood and South Indian Cinema

There are also cultural differences between Bollywood and other regional cinemas like South Indian films according to the actress. The point is that all these practices and troubles are specific to every film industry but actors should know how to deal with them all effectively.

Therefore, it was noted that such excesses must be avoided because they only hinder production rather than enhance it thus encouraging a more focused strategy within movie-making process throughout India, she noted.