IU is a Korean star that may very well be the queen of scandals. Reportedly, IU made headlines in 2015 with not just one, but three different scandals all in a short time frame. We have to say, that is quite a feat. First, she was revealed to be dating singer-songwriter Jang Ki Ha. Though this particular scandal may be tame compared to the accusations the star faced for her album.

Less than a month later, netizens began criticising her "CHAT-SHIRE" album for containing supposed pedophilic themes due to the lyrics of "Zeze," the album cover art, and the imagery used in her "Twenty-three" music video.


IU's troubles didn't stop there, netizens also went on to accuse her of plagiarizing Britney Spears with "Twenty-three," burying IU in a slew of controversies. Which in the art world is a very serious crime and can quite easily destroy careers and reputations.

Plagiarism and paedophilia all in one album. That has to be a lot for any artist to take. But it was later revealed that IU was on the receiving end of unfair and harsh criticism through no fault of her own.


Reportedly, the publishing company that raised the concern over Zeze apologised. But we have to say, an apology after such a public scandal would not have appeased IU very much.

It was also apparently revealed that the controversial cover art that caused IU so much trouble was meant to be quite different than it ended up being in the final product.

But he kicker was that the whole Zeze controversy was apparently started by a reporter who misquoted the singer during an interview.

IU had to face criticism for her dating choices, accusations of plagiarising a global star like Britney Spears and accusations of promoting paedophilia in her art. She must have felt vindicated when the criticism was proved to be unfounded.