An audacious attempt is about to take place on Sunday when an attack on Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook page will be live-streamed through the world's largest social networking platform. A Taiwanese "white hat" hacker, Chang Chi-yuan has claimed that he will broadcast an attempt to hack Facebook founder's page and delete it.

Chang has created an event for the same, which will go live at 6 pm local time on Sunday. This means curious folks in India can tune in to Chang's Facebook event at 3:30 pm IST. Similarly, the live-stream will commence at 6 am in New York, 11 am in London, 12 pm in Berlin and so on. Accessing the event from your location will show the local time when the broadcast will begin, Bloomberg reported.

"Broadcasting the deletion of FB founder Zuck's account," the 23-year-old hacker wrote in a post on Facebook, where he commands a strong follower-base of 26,000-plus users. "Scheduled to go live."

Chang did not reveal the details of his attack or the reason behind it and there was no response to a query at the time of this writing.

Hacker challenges Facebook
Hacker challenges FacebookFacebook screenshot

Chang is nothing short of a celebrity in his home country. He's been on talk shows and his notoriety landed him in trouble when a local bus operator sued the hacker for hacking their systems and buying a ticket for just NT$1 (about 3 cents).

Chang has expressed that hacking serves the purpose of paying the bills and not his passion. According to a recent post on his Facebook page, Chang said, "I don't want to be a proper hacker, and I don't even want to be a hacker at all. I'm just bored and try to dabble so that I can earn some money."

Like all major corporations in Silicon Valley, Facebook also runs a bug-bounty program, where it rewards hackers to discreetly expose bugs in the platform. Chang's audacious approach hasn't been witnessed before, but this won't be the first time Zuckerberg's page will be under attack.

Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerbergreuters

In 2011, a hacker successfully posted a status update from Zuckerberg's account. The hacker used the opportunity to spread a message of "social investment."

""Let the hacking begin: If facebook needs money, instead of going to the banks, why doesn't Facebook let its users invest in Facebook in a social way? Why not transform Facebook into a 'social business' the way Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus described it? What do you think? #hackercup2011," the message left by the hacker read.

It remains to be seen if Chang will be successful in his attempt to break into the billionaire's account. We'll find out soon enough.