Movie screening to be stopped from March 2
Movie screening to be stopped from March 2Twitter

The producers of South Indian films have made an official announcement about the stoppage of screening of movies down south from March 2. 

The move is a part of their protest against the Virtual Print Fee (VPF) imposed by Digital Service Providers (DSPs) like UFO and Qube.

The producers of South Indian films have been requesting the DSPs for quite some time now to reduce the VPF. When the DSPs decided to address their grievance, both parties formed a Joint Action Committee (JAC), which met for a couple of meetings on February 16 and 23 to find a solution to the problem.

But the latest we hear is that the JAC has failed to sort out the issue. The upset filmmakers have now decided to go on strike and stop the screening of movies in all the South Indian states. They have released a statement to the media confirming the stoppage of the screening from March 2.

Johnson, an observer from the Tamil film industry, tweeted a copy of the letter sent to exhibitors and wrote: "Official letter from #SouthIndianFilmCommittee - Joint Action Committee convener P Kiran to all exhibitors in Andhra and Telangana states regarding stoppage of screening from March 2 . #SIFC #JAC."

The letter reads: 



The Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce

Telanagana State Film Chamber of Commerce

All Exhibitors Associations of Andhra Pradesh 8- Telangana States

Dear Sirs,

Sub: Stoppage of screening of movies with effect from 02-03-2018.

You are well aware that we are taking up with DSPs (Qube, UFO & POD) on VPF Charges and other issues.

For the past one month there have been many discussions with OSPs and feet' have not accepted our requests.

In view of the above situation, it has been decided to go anead with stoppage of screening of movies from 02-03-2018 in Andhra Pradesh & Telangana States.

Hence you are requested to inform all your Exhibitor members including all Multiplex Theatres of both Andhra & Telangana states that there will not be screening ot any film shows from 02-03-2010 and request them to cooperate even though there might be difficulties and losses, for betterment of Southern Film Industry.

Thanking you,

Yours truly
