(Picture for representation) The video shows a snake drinking water in a very composed manner.Wikimedia commons

A snake sipping water has gone viral after a Texas-based YouTuber and exotic-pet-owner Taylor Nicole Dean shared a video of her pet reptiles doing the rare act on social media on March 28.

The 14-second clip shows an orange-colored hognose snake sipping water from a bowl. Celia, which is the name of the pet reptile, is seen drinking water in a very calm and composed manner.

The post has gathered 1.15 million views on Twitter and has been retweeted more than 18,000 times at the time of writing the article.

Seeing the video, several snake owners shared pictures of their scaly pets sipping water. David Cundall of the Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, said different snakes have a different system to drink water, according to, but they seldom drink.

Check them out here:

Hognose snakes are native to North America and Mexico and are generally small and have an upturned snout.

These snakes are not only cute but also have amazing characteristics. When threatened, they mimic cobras by flattening their neck and raising up to make their head look like cobra's hood.

They also sometimes play dead to fool predators. They turn over, expose their bellies, open their mouth and stick out their tongue. Even if you try to turn them over, they will go back to their "dead" position to try and convince you further, reported they don't give up very easily.

Last year, a huge King Cobra drinking water from a bottle in India went viral. "The Kaiga Power Plant is located near the forest range. The snake had wandered into the Kaiga Township, located near the plant sometime in the morning. We spotted the King Cobra at around 12.30 pm and it was dehydrated due to the extreme heat. Hence, I offered it some water and took it to a rescue centre," the deputy range forest officer of Karwar forest range told The News Minute. 

According to reports, it was the mating season of cobras and reptiles wandering around the area was nothing uncommon.