Undertaker vs Goldberg
Undertaker and Goldberg had a forgettable match

If The Undertaker and Goldberg had a match 15 years ago, it would have been the most keenly anticipated contest in the wrestling world. But now, with both wrestlers on the wrong side of 50 and out of action for a long time, their first-ever contest in WWE turned out to be a fest of botches and barely-executed manoeuvres.

This painful display of these two legends trying to extract the very last few drops of wrestling left in them left the fans watching around the world feel a great deal of anguish. Many vented their disappointment on social media while some outrightly ridiculed the contest.

Undertaker vs Goldberg
Undertaker vs Goldberg
Undertaker vs Goldberg
Undertaker vs Goldberg

One term that came to be used very commonly on Twitter was 'worst match.' For some, it was the worst match of the year while some thought it was the worst match the two had competed in during the course of their entire career.

To be fair to the two performers, they did try their best. Goldberg, whose previous run with the company produced only very short matches, did much more in this contest and used moves other than the 'Spear' and 'Jackhammer.' Undertaker too, tried his absolute best in living up to the expectations. But the fact that they are beyond the age where they can produce great matches was clearly visible. Pulling off their signature moves seemed much too hard for them. Goldberg even came dangerously close to suffering a serious neck injury when Undertaker performed his finisher, Tombstone Piledriver. The fact that the contest ended with a chokeslam from the Deadman where he could barely raise his opponent was rather apt.

Hopefully, WWE and its boss Vince McMahon would have enough respect and concern for these two legends to not put them through another such contest. If they still compete, it should be against a younger wrestler who can work a good match against these legends. But the best option would be to let these wrestlers remain in retirement and let their aura remain undiminished.