It was around a few weeks back that popular documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell released a UFO video that showed a spherical flying vessel plunging into the ocean. The video was apparently shot by US Navy officers aboard USS Omaha, and the sighting made several people believe that there could be a secretive alien base on the surface of the ocean. And now, an ex-police officer who has been studying alien activities has claimed that UFOs could be coming most probably from the sea, and not from space. 

UFOs coming from the sea

Gary Heseltine, who is now the vice president of the International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research (ICER) told The Sun that recent footages of UFOs above the ocean hint at the fact that there could be alien bases on the waters. 

Alleged UFO spotted by US Navy officialsTwitter: Jeremy Corbell

"UFOs are often seen coming in and out of the water so suspect that in our deepest oceans and trenches we may well have alien bases. That sounds crazy but if you think about it we only know 5% of the ocean, we know more about the surface of the moon or Mars than our own oceans. So that would seem to me why UFOs are seen regularly coming in and out of the water," said Heseltine. 

Views of Jeremy Corbell

Heseltine is not the only alien hunter who has talked about the connection between UFOs and oceans. Jeremy Corbell who released the infamous triangular UFO video, and the spherical UFO video had claimed that these unidentified flying vessels can travel both in air and water. 

"UFOs may be coming from a distant place but often, we see them coming from a much closer place. As you would have an embassy in a foreign land, it is possible that there's a congregation or a station or a location underwater, where UFOs could be transiting from once they're here, wherever they come from. That is a possibility that UFOs are transiting from a localized place underneath the water," Corbell told Daily Star. 

In the meantime, Americans are eagerly awaiting Pentagon's report about UFOs that is expected to be released this week. Conspiracy theorists and alien enthusiasts believe that this report will shed light on several unknown facts surrounding the existence of UFOs and aliens on earth.