
Rajinikanth fondly called Thalaiva is an iconic figure in Indian cinema admired and loved by millions. His journey to stardom is filled with both struggles and triumphs. One of the most impactful incidents in his career was when he faced a severe insult from a producer which eventually led to one of his greatest successes.

In January 2020 during the audio launch of the film Darbar Rajinikanth shared a pivotal story from his early career in the 1970s. He recounted being cast in a film where his role and remuneration of Rs. 6000 were agreed upon. Rajinikanth requested an advance payment of a common practice to confirm his role but the producer failed to provide it even on the day of the shoot.


Despite not receiving the advance, Rajinikanth showed up for the shoot. However, when the producer's assistant instructed him to proceed with makeup, he refused without the promised advance and firmly stated, "I won't proceed without getting Rs 1,000."

The producer arriving in a luxury car was furious at Rajinikanth's demand. He belittled Rajinikanth questioning his worth and throwing him off the set. Rajinikanth was left to walk home humiliated. On his way, he realized people recognized him and quoted his film dialogues which initially felt like mockery but later fueled his determination.

This incident became a turning point in Rajinikanth's life. He vowed never to return to that studio unless he arrived in a foreign car. Driven by this promise he worked hard eventually buying an Italian Fiat and hiring a uniformed chauffeur.

Vettaiyan and Coolie

Rajinikanth fulfilled his vow driving back to the studio in his foreign car. He proudly recalled, "With one leg over the other, I was sitting royally. My car entered AVM Studios, and many thought the Governor had come."

As of 2023, Rajinikanth continues to enjoy immense success. His films Lal Salaam and Jailer were box-office hits. He is set to star in upcoming films Vettaiyan (2024) and Coolie (2025) proving that his star power remains undiminished.