Picture for RepresentationCreative Commons

Remember the climax scene of James Cameron's Avatar where the protagonist Jake Sully lies beneath the Tree of Souls with roots growing over his body, while the indigenous Na'vis pray to the mother goddess to transfer him permanently into his avatar? A recent picture shared by National Geographic will not only surprise you by uncanny similarities of the real world with the fictional one but also leave you speechless with its beauty.

The only difference is that this time, it is a mere deer and not some humanoid and that the beauty of the event is synonymous with the death of the creature.

National Geographic took to Instagram to share a stunning picture of a dead stag being literally absorbed into Earth. The picture was clicked by David Chancellor in the Scottish hillside.

Several wild deer die during the cold months and especially when it is harsh like this year's winter. "We have heard from some Deer Management Groups that deer in their areas were found to be in poor condition during the hind season and this cold spell will be hard for them, particularly if it now turns wet. Often it is the last few weeks before the grass starts to appear on the hill that leads to losses particularly of last year's calves; also mature stags which use up most of their body condition in the breeding season in the preceding October and November can succumb. Hinds tend to be more resilient. The thinner skinned roe deer are also susceptible to hard weather," Richard Cooke, the Chairman of the Association of Deer Management Groups, was quoted as saying by

The picture is posted with a meaningful message: "...high up on the hill those deer who didn't survive the harsh winter are slowly absorbed into the land, and so the circle of life continues in the Scottish highlands."

In the picture, a deer, which appears to be an adult, is seen lying dead amidst a meadow. Its body has started withering and is slowing getting consumed by the earth.

It also shows how beautiful death can be. The deer looks to be at peace as its body disintegrates and become one with the soil.

The post has garnered more than 275,576 likes at the time of writing the article. While one user comments: "Just another part of the Earth! Such a great picture to demonstrate that!" another person writes Amazing picture - a beautiful and meaningful reminder that life is death and death is life ❤️ thank you for this insightful post."

Here is the picture: 

Let us know what you think of the picture in the comments below.