A series of videos uploaded to social media are said to show ongoing air strikes on rebel-held Houla, in Syrias Homs countryside on Saturday 21 May.

The first video purports to show the aftermath of an attack on a house in Houla. People, including what is said to be civil defence personnel, can be seen carrying victims from smoking buildings.

Another two videos purport to show a warplane targeting Houla and a helicopter dropping barrel bombs in the area. Smoke can be seen rising from near buildings.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, helicopters dropped bombs on an area where a hospital is located in the village of Burj Qaei, putting it out of service after midnight on Friday 20 May.

It also says mortar shells were dropped on the regime-held MaksralHosan in the northern countryside of Homs after midnight, injuring six members of the regime forces and the national defence forces.