Suburra, the first-ever original Italian Netflix series, is based on a popular Italian novel of the same name written by Carlo Bonini and Giancarlo De Cataldo. The crime drama will have a 10-episode run to be directed by Michele Placido of Romanzo Criminale Vallanzasca – Angels Of Evil fame along with The Double Hour director Giuseppe Capotondi and Andrea Molaioli.
The script for the political thriller is written by Barbara Petronio and Daniele Cesarano in association with Nicola Guaglianone, Fabrizio Bettelli and Ezio Abbate. Read on to know more about the spin-off of the 2015 Italian French neo-noir film.
Plot summary: The drama is described as a captivating story that features a gruelling battle between politicians, religious leaders and the mafia at a seaside town near Rome, which would eventually turn out to be a gambling paradise.
The story focuses on a political scandal that revolves around a corrupt politician named Filippo Malgradi, the head of a powerful family in the region popularly known as Number 8; an event manager called Sebastiano and rival mafia leader Samurai getting involved with the Vatican, drugs, prostitution and money laundering.
Cast and characters: The celebrities set to appear in the crime thriller include Italian actor Francesco Acquaroli of Pasolini fame as a crime boss named Samurai and Don't Be Bad star Alessandro Borghi as a local thug named Aureliano Adami, who is popularly known as Number 8.
The other cast members of the political series are Adamo Dionisi who plays a patriarch of Anacleti family named Manfredi Anacleti, Giacomo Ferrara as Alberto Anacleti a.k.a Spadino, Claudia Gerini as Sara Monaschi, Filippo Nigro as Amedeo Cinaglia and Eduardo Valdarini as Lele Marchilli.
Production update: The filming of the first-ever original Italian series on Netflix began in Rome earlier this month.
Release date: Netflix has not made any official announcement regarding the release date for the crime series, but it is expected to be premiered across the world early next year. According to the online television network, the show will be released world-wide in more than 190 countries in over 20 languages in 2017.
Spoilers: The authors of Suburra book, Giancarlo and Carlo, stated that the novel is about the black heart of Rome and that it uncovers several political scandals through its journey to the light.