"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" revolves around Kylo Ren's (Adam Driver) search for Jedi Master Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) and his lightsaber. So fans of the epic space opera are eager to know whether the villain will meet the iconic character and succeed in his mission.
Director JJ Abrams and rest of the creative team are yet to reveal any details about the appearance of Hamill's character, but a leaked behind-the-scene photo provides a glimpse of the primary protagonist.
Although the image was initially uploaded on fan website Star Wars 7 News, it was immediately removed from it on request. But a Chicago-based music and film website named Consequence of Sound still has it on their portal.
So followers of the epic space opera can expect a strong presence of the Jedi Master in "The Force Awakens". However, they will have to wait a longer to know more about his role in the movie.
While the description of the film released by DK publishing house gives a glimpse of what viewers can expect, a leaked synopsis posted on 4chan hints at the secret mission of Kylo Ren.
Meanwhile, a detailed synopsis of the seventh instalment posted on Making Star Wars indicates that Luke Skywalker will only appear towards the end of the movie. It states that Rey (Daisy Ridley) will hand over the lightsaber to him after the evil dark lord fails in his mission.
Read More: Kylo Ren to be Killed Off in 'The Force Awakens'?
"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" will hit screens on 18 December.