Mt Everest

Mt Everest base camp to have high speed Internet soon

Private sector telecommunication company of Nepal, Ncell is building the world's highest cell phone tower at an altitude of 5,200 metres on Mt. Everest, which will provide dedicated ultra fast 4G connectivity, The Kathmandu Post reported on Wednesday. Mar 23, 2022
India Taiwan

India and Taiwan must enhance cooperation to keep authoritarian China at bay

In Southeast Asia, China has repeatedly bent the rules in the South China Sea while violating its neighbor states' sovereign rights in those waters. Even middle powers like Australia and India have become the targets of Beijing's wolf-warrior diplomacy for failing to kowtow to the Chinese authorities. Mar 21, 2022
India acts big brother to Sri Lanka (Opinion)

India acts big brother to Sri Lanka [Opinion]

Indian policy in the region towards smaller countries, seems to be paying dividends, as compared to China, which is more and more is being seen as a hawk, intent on taking over smaller countries natural resources, writes Asad Mirza, a political commentator. Mar 21, 2022