Germany: Winter hall to be built as refugees face low temperatures

As many of the thousands of refugees reaching the German border lack adequate clothes to face the European winter, and with the first lows of the season hitting this week, police said that donations of warm clothes have been distributed ahead of the construction of a winter hall. Temperatures have approached and even dipped below 0C on the German-Austrian border in recent days. German and Austrian police are working hard to compile warm clothes handed out by neighbours and volunteers, and try to find new ways of coping with the huge influx. Nov 25, 2015

Tibet: Scientists warn of rapid climate change at roof of the world

Lying 4700 meters above sea level on the Tibetan plateau is Namsto Lake. It is held as holy by the regions Tibetan population and every year thousands of pilgrims walk around its shores. As one of the largest lakes on the plateau, Namsto is fed partly by run off from the regions glaciers, which also acts as a store of water for the surrounding grasslands, experts have said. Nov 25, 2015