Sea Shepherd films Japanese whalers catching rare whale illegally

Sea Shepherd films Japanese whalers catching rare whale illegally

The anti-whaling activists of Sea Shepherd claim they have filmed Japanese whalers killing in Australia’s Antarctic whale sanctuary. A video filmed from a helicopter shows a dead mink on deck of a Japanese whaling ship. The crew reportedly tried to hide the whale by covering it with a tarpaulin. In 2015, the Japanese fleet was found guilty of killing whales in Australia’s sanctuary and fined $1m. Japan is ignoring a worldwide moratorium on whale hunting using the excuse of scientific research. Jan 15, 2017
Thousands line the street to say farwell to Thailands King Bhumibol

Thousands line the street to say farwell to Thailands King Bhumibol

A royal convey carried the body of Thailands King Bhumaibol past thousands of mourning Thais. King Bhumibol died aged 88 after suffering a long illness. The king was the longest-reigning monarch who was worshiped as a father figure during his 70-year reign. Oct 14, 2016