
Greenpeace India denies receiving government notice on foreign funding

New Delhi/ Tamil Nadu, June 20 (ANI): Executive director Greenpeace-India, Samit Aich denied media reports that the central government had served notice to it on its foreign funding. India has asked the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to tighten controls on moving funds from abroad into Greenpeace's accounts. The government has asked the RBI to obtain its permission before releasing funding from Netherlands-based Greenpeace International and the US-based Climate Works Foundation, both contributors to Greenpeace India. Greenpeace India receives about 60 percent of its funding from donors in India and about 38 percent from Greenpeace International. Jun 20, 2014

Gaza's armed factions vow to avenge West Bank 'oppression'

On Tuesday, members of all the armed factions in the Gaza Strip -- except the Islamic Jihad -- expressed support for "any effort of Palestinian resistance" and vowed revenge for Israel's "criminal" West Bank actions. Duration: 00:52 Jun 18, 2014

Israel stepped up efforts to find the kidnapped teens

Israel stepped up efforts to crush Hamas in the West Bank on Tuesday as the hunt for three Israeli teenagers believed kidnapped by the Islamist movement entered its fifth day in Hebron, June 17, 2014. Duration: 00:41 Jun 18, 2014