Oscars 2016: The best moments from the 88th Academy Awards

Catholic Church abuse movie Spotlight was named best picture, the top award at the Oscars ceremony, after a night peppered with pointed punchlines from host Chris Rock about the #OscarsSoWhite controversy that has dominated the industry. Feb 29, 2016

Oscars 2016: The best of Chris Rock’s biting racial commentary

Comedian Chris Rock launched his return stint as Oscar host on 28 February by immediately and unabashedly confronting the racially charged elephant in the room – the furore over the all-white field of performers nominated for Hollywoods highest honours. In an opening monologue peppered with biting, no-holds-barred commentary about discrimination pervading the film industry, Rock set the stage for a night of running gags that repeatedly returned to themes of racial politics. Feb 29, 2016