Hong Kong man builds Scarlett Johannson lookalike robot

Like innumerable children with imaginations fired by animated films, Hong Kong product and graphic designer Ricky Ma grew up watching cartoons featuring the adventures of robots, and dreamed of building his own one day. Unlike most, however, Ma has realised his childhood dream at the age of 42, by successfully constructing a life-sized robot from scratch on the balcony of his home. Apr 1, 2016
US dollar

India's external debt rises to $480B

A $4.9 billion rise in external debt over March 2015 was largely on account of an increase in external commercial borrowings and non-resident Indian deposits. Mar 31, 2016

Indian rupee depreciates 50% in 5 years

The currency was trading at about 66.22 March 31, 2016 afternoon, marking a fall of 48.67 percent over its March 2011 closing of 44.54 to the US dollar. Mar 31, 2016