
India's retail inflation accelerates in January, but stays below RBI's target

New Delhi, Feb 13 (ANI): India's retail inflation accelerated in January after shifting to a new base year for calculating prices, but stayed well below the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) target, bolstering prospects for further interest rate cuts. Consumer prices rose an annual 5.11 percent compared with a 4.28 percent gain in December, the statistics department said on Thursday (February 12) after it changed the base year for measuring inflation to 2012 from 2010. Under the old series, inflation was reported at 5 percent in December. The revamped index carries a higher weight for education and health services, but has a lower weight for food and fuel items, which authorities say better reflects changing consumption patterns. The RBI aims to keep inflation at or below 6 percent in the period to January 2016 and is widely expected to resume its monetary easing after Finance Minister Arun Jaitley presents his annual budget on February 28. Feb 13, 2015

Swedens negative interest rate shock

It's not often Sweden shocks markets but the central bank's decision to introduce negative interest rates wasn't expected. Neither was the launch of a bond buying programme. The moves are a response Feb 12, 2015

UK close to deflation

Deflation is close - but don't worry. That was the message from Bank of England governor Mark Carney, as he explained why UK inflation is at its lowest level in nearly 15 years. (SOUNDBITE) (English Feb 12, 2015

BSE closes points 271.13 up on Feb 12

New Delhi, Feb 12 (ANI): Trading at the Bombay Stock Exchange today closed 271.13 points up to stand at 28,805.10. At the National Stock Exchange the Nifty closed 84.15 points up to stand at 8,711.55. BF UTILITIES LTD. and INDIA CEMENTS were among the top gainers of Group A with an increase of 12.36% and 12.11% along with SPARC and MRF with an increase of 10.00% and 10.00% respectively, while the top losers of Group A include BANK INDIA and PMCFIN with a decrease of 5.92% and 4.97% along with RASOYA PROTEINS LTD. and FRL with a decrease of 4.76% and 4.54% at the close of the markets. The Auto sector is up 280.59 points at 19,378.28 while the banking sector is up 208.23 points at 21,897.77 and the reality sector is up 22.00 points at 1,737.53. The Indian currency is up 0.03% at Rs 62.27 per dollar. Feb 12, 2015

UBS pain after Swiss franc warning

Shares tumbled three percent despite a promise of the biggest payout to shareholders since the financial crisis. What's rattling UBS investors is a warning from the bank over the surging Swiss franc Feb 10, 2015

China consumer inflation hits five-year low

Another weak snapshot of China's economy. Consumer inflation slowed to only 0.8 percent year-on-year in January - the lowest in five years. The data adding to pressure on the country's central bank Feb 10, 2015

Methodology change sees Indian economy grow faster than China's

New Delhi, Feb 10 (ANI): India forecasted that annual economic growth would accelerate to 7.4 percent in the year ending in March after its statisticians changed the way they measure Asia's third-largest economy and showed it clocked faster growth than China in the December quarter. The statistical recovery is in large measure due to changes both in the way authorities calculate gross domestic product (GDP) and the base year. The new estimate is sharply higher than the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) growth projection of around 5.5 percent for the year under the old method. It marks a dramatic turnaround for an economy that a fortnight ago was assumed to be struggling to gain momentum under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's reform-minded government. India now measures GDP by market prices instead of factor costs, to take into account gross value addition in goods and services as well as indirect taxes. The base year has been shifted to 2011/12 from 2004/05 earlier. Feb 10, 2015

HSBC in tax dodge claims

It's been called the biggest banking leak in history - accusations that HSBC helped wealthy clients to dodge tax. Thousands of accounts at the world's second biggest bank reportedly show the lender's Feb 9, 2015