Washington: Anti-fascist protesters march against alt-right conference

Washington: Anti-fascist protesters march against alt-right conference

Anti-fascist protesters demonstrated against a white nationalist conference at the International Trade Center in Washington D.C.The National Policy Institute, an alt-right group, was celebrating the election of President-elect Donald Trump.One alt-right member was injured and two protesters arrested when a fight broke out. The alt-right movement opposes multiculturalism and immigration and is accused of promoting racism and sexism.The Southern Poverty Law Centre classes the National Policy Institute as a white supremacist organisation. Nov 20, 2016
Theresa May and Angela Merkel meet for bilateral talks

Theresa May and Angela Merkel meet for bilateral talks

UK Prime Minister Theresa May met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel to discuss freedom of movement between EU countries as well as partnerships with Africa and the worldwide economy. Speaking at a press conference both Merkel and May pointed out that the leaders were not meeting to discuss Brexit in detail because the decision of Britain to leave the European Union was accepted by Germany. Nov 18, 2016