Boris Johnson: Syria conflict is a proxy war not a civil war

UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said the conflict in Syria is now a proxy war instead of a civil war and called on the sponsors of the Syrian regime to bring Assad back to the negotiating table. Speaking outside the UN Security Council meeting in New York, he said there were only two possible culprits for the deadly attack on the aid convoy on September 19th; Syria or Russia, but said he was still hopeful a ceasefire could be negotiated. Sep 22, 2016

Mark Zuckerberg and wife Priscilla Chan pledge $3bn towards curing all diseases

The two founders of the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative pledged more than $3 billion toward a plan to cure, prevent or manage all disease within our childrens lifetime. Investments will include a bioscience research centre, called the Biohub, and plans for a chip to diagnose diseases, continuous bloodstream monitoring and a map of cell types in the body. Sep 22, 2016