Heathrow expansion: Boris Johnson says London runs the risk of becoming a hell of aircraft noise

Heathrow expansion: Boris Johnson says London runs the risk of becoming a hell of aircraft noise

Conservative MP and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson is maintaining his disapproving stance on the expansion of Heathrow Airport, and has vowed to continue to do so. He is not the only Conservative MP to go against the governments position, as Zac Goldsmith has pledged to resign as an MP. The government is expected to launch a public consultation on a third runway at Heathrow ahead of a parliamentary vote in the winter of 2017/18. Oct 25, 2016
Heathrow expansion: Boris Johnson says London runs the risk of becoming a hell of aircraft noise

Heathrow expansion: Boris Johnson says London runs the risk of becoming a hell of aircraft noise

Conservative MP and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson is maintaining his disapproving stance on the expansion of Heathrow Airport, and has vowed to continue to do so. He is not the only Conservative MP to go against the governments position, as Zac Goldsmith has pledged to resign as an MP. The government is expected to launch a public consultation on a third runway at Heathrow ahead of a parliamentary vote in the winter of 2017/18. Oct 25, 2016
London airport expansion war explained

London airport expansion war explained

The government has made its long-awaited decision on which airport should expanded, with Heathrow given approval for a third runway.Transport Secretary Chris Grayling made the announcement. The decision could cause a rift in the Conservative party as Foreign Sectary Boris Johnson is opposed to the plans, as well as former mayoral candidate and MP Zac Goldsmith who said he would resign if plans are approved. Oct 25, 2016