Donald Trump to meet the leaders of tech world

Donald Trump attacks China in Twitter tirade

US President-elect Donald trump has criticised China over its monetary policy and operations in the South China Sea. Posted on social media platform Twitter, the attacks came after he angered China by speaking to the President of Taiwan Tsai Ing-wen. Taiwan sees itself as an independent state but Beijing considers it as a breakaway province. The US cut off diplomatic relations to Taiwan in 1979, recognising Beijing’s claim. Dec 5, 2016
Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi resigns after referendum loss

Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi resigns after referendum loss

Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi announced his resignation in the early hours of 5 December, after a convincing defeat in a referendum over his proposals for constitutional reform. Renzi took responsibility for the defeat and told reporters of his plans to call a cabinet meeting and give his resignation to Italys President Sergio Mattarella. The constitutional reform included cutting down the number of senators and curbing their powers relative to the lower house of parliament. Renzi also sought to reduce the political powers of the regions. Dec 5, 2016