Brave 4-year-old saves his mums life by calling 999

Brave 4-year-old saves his mums life by calling 999

Police have released a clip of a 999 call from a four-year-old boy who saved his mums life to remind parents the importance of teaching young children their address and how to use 999 in an emergency. Four-year-old Roman called 999 from his mums mobile phone on Tuesday, 7 March, and was put through to a police call handler. Mar 23, 2017
Brave 4-year-old saves his mums life by calling 999

Brave 4-year-old saves his mums life by calling 999

Police have released a clip of a 999 call from a four-year-old boy who saved his mums life to remind parents the importance of teaching young children their address and how to use 999 in an emergency. Four-year-old Roman called 999 from his mums mobile phone on Tuesday, 7 March, and was put through to a police call handler. Mar 23, 2017