Analysing Donald Trumps handshake

Analysing Donald Trumps handshake

Donald Trump grabs the headlines for all manner of reasons, but recently his peculiar handshakes have become front and centre as the US president meets foreign leaders from around the world. IBTimes UK sat down with body language expert Judi James, as she explained the reasoning and the thought process behind Trumps handshakes. Feb 16, 2017
Donald Trump can live with one state solution to Israel-Palestine conflict

Donald Trump can live with one state solution to Israel-Palestine conflict

President Donald Trump has suggested that US policy regarding the Israel and Palestine issue could be changing, claiming that he can live with a one-state solution. This is at odds with decades of US foreign policy towards the region, in which the country has traditionally backed a two-state solution. Trump was speaking at a joint press conference with Benjamin Netanyahu on 15 February. Feb 16, 2017