Jeremy Corbyn gets frustrated over questions about traingate

Jeremy Corbyn lost his cool at press conference on 24 August, when questions kept being asked about the Virgin trains fiasco, rather than the topic of the meeting the NHS. Corbyn took on a Virgin East Coast train on 11 August where he filmed a video claiming the train from London to Newcastle was ram-packed. But the operator released showing CCTV yesterday supposedly showing the Labour leader ignoring empty seats and sitting down on the journey. Aug 24, 2016

Four companies confounding the Brexit doom-mongers

With all the post-vote pessimism hurting a whole range of companies in the domestically-sensitive Retail, Housebuilding and Leisure sectors, there is still value to be had even after the recent stock market rally back. Here are four companies that I think can rebound further should the UK economy hold up in the months ahead. Aug 23, 2016

Four companies confounding the Brexit doom-mongers

With all the post-vote pessimism hurting a whole range of companies in the domestically-sensitive Retail, Housebuilding and Leisure sectors, there is still value to be had even after the recent stock market rally back. Here are four companies that I think can rebound further should the UK economy hold up in the months ahead. Aug 23, 2016