Rex Tillerson: US takes full responsibility for Manchester attack leaks

Rex Tillerson: US takes full responsibility for Manchester attack leaks

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson met with Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson in London following the diplomatic row over information on the Manchester attacker leaked to journalists by US officials. During the press conference Johnson also attacked Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn for his criticism on the UKs involvement in foreign wars calling the comments monstrous. May 26, 2017
Rex Tillerson: US takes full responsibility for Manchester attack leaks

Rex Tillerson: US takes full responsibility for Manchester attack leaks

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson met with Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson in London following the diplomatic row over information on the Manchester attacker leaked to journalists by US officials. During the press conference Johnson also attacked Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn for his criticism on the UKs involvement in foreign wars calling the comments monstrous. May 26, 2017
Jeremy Corbyn: The war on terror is not working

Jeremy Corbyn: The war on terror is not working

Campaigning for the national election next month resumed on Friday (May 26), with the country still on high alert for further attacks, days after a suicide bombing killed 22 people in Manchester. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn criticised Prime Minister Theresa May for cutting police numbers and said Britains involvement in foreign wars had increased the threat of terrorism. May 26, 2017