
Violent 3-D Games Increase Anger In Players

New Delhi, Dec 03 (AN) : A new study has found that playing violent 3D games can increase the anger level in video game players. Those who play violently may show higher levels of anger than nonviolent players no matter how they played 2-D or 3-D. But those who play violently on 3-D are significantly angrier than those who play violently on the 2-D systems.People who play in 3-D are more immersed in the game than the ones who play in 2-D, and that immersion can be related to the increased anger felt by those who played violently. Dec 3, 2014

Omega-3 can help curb smoking addiction

New Delhi, Dec 01 (ANI): A new study has revealed that Omega-3, an economical and easily available dietary supplement with almost no side effects, can help reduce smoking.Cigarette smoking reduces the levels of essential fatty acids in the brain, especially that of omega-3 and deficiency in omega-3 damages the cellular structure of nerve cells of the brain involved with feeling of pleasure and satisfaction.These areas are essential in reward and decision-making, and are very important in the process of the development, maintenance and relapse of the addiction and to the inability to stop smoking. Therefore, taking omega-3 supplements reduces craving for nicotine and even reduces the number of cigarettes that people smoke a day. Dec 1, 2014