HBO cyberattack is seven times worse than 2014 Sony hack

HBO cyberattack is seven times worse than 2014 Sony hack

The recent HBO hack may have exposed up to 1.5 terabytes of data-7 times what Sony lost in the 2014 cyberattack. Up to now, the script of an upcoming episode of  Game of Thrones and episodes of other popular HBO series have been released by the hackers. But thats far less than the total amount of data that has been hacked. The motivations of this cyberattack are still unclear. The hackers might still release potentially damaging data for HBO and its investors. Aug 3, 2017
Kim Jong Un is a son of a b**** with a chubby face, says Philippine President Duterte

Kim Jong Un is a son of a b**** with a chubby face, says Philippine President Duterte

Philippine President Rodrigo Dutertes latest controversial remarks target the North Korean regime, and they come just a few days ahead of his hosting a meeting of foreign diplomats at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Regional Forum. In his typical colorful rhetoric, Duterte professed his hatred for war and described North Korean ruler Kim Jong Un as a fool and a son of a b**** who is playing with dangerous toys. Aug 2, 2017