Walmart tops Fortune Global 500 list

Walmart to offer voice shopping through Google

Google will offer a large variety of Walmart products on its voice-controlled Google Assistant platform from late September and will offer wider selection of items than any other retailer Aug 23, 2017
President Trumps new war strategy is in Afghanistans favour

President Trumps new war strategy is in Afghanistans favour

President Trump spoke about his new plan for Afghanistan, which involves doubling down on American military presence in the region. Trump would not give a specific number, but it is estimated that he will authorise the deployment of 4,000 more soldiers to the country. Aug 23, 2017
President Trumps new war strategy is in Afghanistans favour

President Trumps new war strategy is in Afghanistans favour

President Trump spoke about his new plan for Afghanistan, which involves doubling down on American military presence in the region. Trump would not give a specific number, but it is estimated that he will authorise the deployment of 4,000 more soldiers to the country. Aug 23, 2017