How Nepalese porters carry huge loads on their heads

How Nepalese porters carry huge loads on their heads

Nepalese porters carry the most extreme loads – often in excess of their own body weight – at high altitudes, but how do they do it? Having already discovered that African women carrying heavy burdens on their heads use energy conserving mechanisms while walking, scientists have now revealed that Nepalese porters eschew that method – instead opting to do it β€˜the hard way, through pure exertion. Nov 17, 2016
Violent protests as Barack Obama visits Greece

Violent protests as Barack Obama visits Greece

Angry Greek demonstrators clashed with riot police in Athens on 15 November after protest rallies against US President Barack Obamas visit to the country. About 7,000 people protested over the US stance on the war in Syria, US-Turkey relations and the election of Donald Trump and his views on immigrants. Obama, who will be succeeded in January by Trump, was in Greece on his last trip to Europe as president. Nov 16, 2016