Brexit Britain tries to woo China for increased trade at Belt and Road summit

Brexit Britain tries to woo China for increased trade at Belt and Road summit

Britain hopes for increased trade with China as Beijing presses forward with its ambitious Silk Road plan aimed at developing worldwide growth. Also known as the Belt and the Road initiative, the Silk Road programme hopes to increase global infrastructure and open up international trade routes in Eurasia. May 14, 2017
Putin criticises protectionism and sanctions at Eurasian Belt and Road summit

Putin criticises protectionism and sanctions at Eurasian Belt and Road summit

Delivering an address in Beijing at the One Belt, One Road summit – a trade initiative by China which aims to bring together dozens of states - Putin called on heads of state to abandon belligerent rhetoric to solve various geopolitical crises. He called protectionism and illegal sanctions a danger to openeness and free trade, a critizism directed at the European Union over the sanctions imposed on Russia after the annexation of Crimea. May 14, 2017