Hillary Clinton outlines multi-point plan to take on Isis

US Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton on 15 December outlined a multi-point plan for how she would work to defeat Islamic State (Isis) in the United States and overseas. During a campaign stop in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the former secretary of state also addressed the issue of homegrown terrorist attacks such as the San Bernardino, California massacre that left 14 people dead earlier this month. Dec 16, 2015

Shaker Aamer: Guantanamo Bay inmate describes torture methods

The last British resident to be held at the US prison camp in Guantanamo Bay described some of the interrogation techniques he was subjected to at the Bagram air base in Afghanistan, in an interview with ITV News on 13 December. Shaker Aamer, a Saudi national married to a Briton, was suspected by US authorities of being an Islamist militant associated with al Qaeda but was never charged with any crime. He was released in October after 13 years detention at Guantanamo and has since returned to Britain. Dec 15, 2015