
'Insomniac Adults' More Likely To Suffer Back Pain Later In Life

New Delhi, Dec 22 (ANI) : A new research has recently revealed that adults suffering from insomnia are almost one-and-a-half times more likely to suffer from back pain eventually.The study included that insomnia increases a person's sensitivity to pain and that those suffering from it were liable to suffer from spontaneous pain more often and with more intensity compared to others.According to the study, one possible link would be stress, as people suffering from insomnia generally describe their lives as stressful, so it's almost certain that they would suffer from chronic restlessness that would increase muscle tension and reduce the number of micro-pauses in muscle activity, which leads to back pain. Dec 22, 2014

Congress President Sonia Gandhi admitted to hospital fore respiratory tract infection

New Delhi, Dec 19 (ANI): Congress President Sonia Gandhi was admitted to Sir Ganga Ram hospital in New Delhi. Gandhi is suffering from infection of the lower respiratory tract, which affects the airway and the lung. Her condition is stable, a hospital official said. According to sources, Gandhi came to the hospital Thursday evening with complaints of breathing difficulty and chest congestion. The Congress president was admitted under the care of Arup Kumar Basu, senior consultant in the chest medicine department. Basu is leading a team of doctors who are closely monitoring Gandhi. Doctors said that the problem was quite common in the winter season. Dec 19, 2014

Yoga may help in improving cardiovascular disease risk factors

New Delhi, Dec 18 (ANI): A new study has revealed yoga may help in managing and improving cardiovascular disease risk factors. The investigators found that yoga may provide the same benefits in reducing risk factors as traditional physical activities such as biking or brisk walking and the finding is significant, as individuals who cannot or prefer not to perform traditional aerobic exercise might still achieve similar benefits in cardiovascular risk reduction. The study's findings support the acceptability of yoga for patients with lower physical tolerance, such as the elderly, those with a pre-existing cardiac condition or those with musculoskeletal or joint pain. Dec 18, 2014