Scientist Peter Whibberley explains why 2016 will be one second longer

Scientist Peter Whibberley explains why 2016 will be one second longer

On 31 December an extra second will be added before midnight, senior research scientist Peter Whibberley explains. Since the 1960s we have used atomic clocks to keep track of time, as they are more accurate than the old method of using the Earth, as the Earth randomly speeds up and slow down. But to make sure that the atomic clock is in line, an extra second is needed every so often to ensure many of modern societies functions like the internet and mobile phones can work. Dec 22, 2016
Jet stream in the Earths core discovered with satellites

Jet stream in the Earths core discovered with satellites

A jet stream within the Earths molten iron core has been discovered by scientists using the latest satellite data that helps create an X-ray view of the planet. Because of the cores location under 3,000 kilometres of rock, for many years scientists have studied the Earths core by measuring the planets magnetic field – one of the few options available.The first clip shows the evolution of the magnetic field at the edge of the Earths core from 1999-2016, with the second showing changes in magnetic field at the edge of the Earths core 1590-1990. Dec 19, 2016