Donald Trump: My greatest asset is my temperament

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump attack his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton on 6 September for spending too much time attack him and his temperament, rather than telling voters about he policies. Speaking at a rally in North Carolina, USA, Trump said it was his knowledge of how to win that made his temperament his greatest asset. Trump comes into the final two month leg of the US presidential race looking stronger as polls are showing him in a competitive position, with a Reuters-Ipso poll showing him leading by one point. Other polls show him gaining significant ground on Hillary Clinton after some earlier polls indicated that he was 10 points behind. Sep 7, 2016

Barack Obama: We have had some productive conversations with Russia on Syria conflict

US President Barack Obama told reporters on 5 September about his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and their attempts to come to an agreement over the hostilities in Syria and negotiate a cessation of violence. A senior US administration official said that Obama and Putin had a longer-than-expected meeting on how they could agree a deal. Sep 6, 2016