So cute! First baby puggles for nearly 30 years born at Australian zoo

So cute! First baby puggles for nearly 30 years born at Australian zoo

Taronga Zoo is celebrating the first birth in 30 years of three puggles - mammals that start off looking like a mole then develop spines like a hedgehog. The short-beaked echidnas, part of a group called monotremes, are difficult to breed but these three were hatched from 16-30 August. The babies have opened their eyes and started developing their characteristic spines but spend most of the time asleep at the moment. Nov 18, 2016
How Nepalese porters carry huge loads on their heads

How Nepalese porters carry huge loads on their heads

Nepalese porters carry the most extreme loads – often in excess of their own body weight – at high altitudes, but how do they do it? Having already discovered that African women carrying heavy burdens on their heads use energy conserving mechanisms while walking, scientists have now revealed that Nepalese porters eschew that method – instead opting to do it β€˜the hard way, through pure exertion. Nov 17, 2016