Bigg boss Marathi, Megha Dhade, Sharmishtha Raut, Sai Lokur, Smita Gondkar, Aastad Kale, Pushkar Jog

And the Bigg Boss Marathi winner is Megha Dhade

Bigg Boss Marathi grand finale live updates: Megha Dhade has become the ultimate winner of season 1 beating the rest of the five finalists - Pushkar Jog, Smita Gondkar, Sai Lokur, Aastad Kale and Sharmishtha Raut. Jul 22, 2018

One space lawyer explains why we need space law!

In 1967 Outer Space Treaty, the US and the Soviet Union, along with other nations with a space program, had agreed that since "colonization" on Earth had caused extreme human suffering and several wars, the same mistake will not be repeated in case of the moon. Jul 22, 2018