Apple iPhone X

Is the Apple iPhone X dead?

A survey has revealed that the iPhone X sales accounted to only 16 percent of the total iPhone sales in Q1, 2018, while the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus made up 23 and 21 percent of the sales. Has Apple killed the iPhone X owing to the dying demand? Apr 25, 2018
Taiwan Military Drill Stages Chinese Invasion Attack

Taiwan Military Drill Stages Chinese Invasion Attack

This footage shows scenes from Taiwan and amp;rsquo;s live-fire military drills on August 22, 2016, simulating an invasion of the Port of Taichung by China and amp;rsquo;s People and amp;rsquo;s Liberation Army. This year and amp;rsquo;s annual Han Kuang military drill will start on April 30. Apr 24, 2018