US Election 2016: What you need to know

US Election 2016: What you need to know

IBTimes UK runs down all the information you need to know ahead of the US Election on 8 November, including what time results will be in, which states are most important, and what date either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump will be inaugurated. Oct 27, 2016
Republican Florida Senator Marco Rubio booed at Latino Festival amid re-election campaign

Republican Florida Senator Marco Rubio booed at Latino Festival amid re-election campaign

Republican Florida Senator Marco Rubio was booed off stage by a crowd of Latino voters in his home state of Florida. Rubio had run for President of the United States and lost his partys nomination To Donald Trump. He is fighting a close battle for re-election in the senate, seemingly struggling with the Latino vote ever since he endorsed Trump. Oct 26, 2016
British banker Rurik Jutting pleads not guilt in Hong Kong double murder case

British banker Rurik Jutting pleads not guilt in Hong Kong double murder case

British former banker Rurik Jutting is accused of murdering two Indonesian women in Hong Kong, pleading not guilty to a charge of murder. The 31-year-old did plead guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter, but the attempt was rejected by prosecutors. If convicted Jutting will face life imprisonment. Oct 24, 2016