Juncker warns Trump presidency poses risk to US ties with Europe

Juncker warns Trump presidency poses risk to US ties with Europe

Donald Trumps surprise election victory risks upsetting the relationship between the US and the European Union, the European Commissions head Jean-Claude Juncker has said.He said the president-elect is ignorant of the EU, adding that Trump has a lot to learn about Europe, what its values are and how it works, and that it is up to the bloc to teach the Republican. Nov 12, 2016
Boris Johnson laments European whinge-o-rama over Donald Trump win

Boris Johnson laments European whinge-o-rama over Donald Trump win

The UK foreign secretary said Britain should view Trumps victory as an opportunity, and that Trump wanted a spectacular relationship with the country. However, prior to the controversial Republicans surprise victory on 8 November, Johnson had admitted he was genuinely worried that Trump could become US president. Nov 11, 2016
Help on way for critically endangered Lord Howe Island stick insects

Help on way for critically endangered Lord Howe Island stick insects

San Diego Zoo is caring for more than 500 Lord Howe Island stick insects eggs in order to help increase the population. It has 40 female and 29 male insects in its breeding programme and these were flown to America from Australia at the beginning of 2016. San Diego has the only group of Lord Howe Island stick insects in the US. Nov 11, 2016